
Posts Tagged ‘appreciation’

When you see that face, those eyes, and their actions…
Stepping on children’s chest, pointing those guns in the face of those children,
And probably pulling the hair of those women, who seem too afraid to even scream,
And be hit in the face again and again, and finally, be violated of their purity…

Yes, I am sure; there’d be a wrench in the heart and a kind of silent yearn for justice from the voice of compassion, pity… whatever.

Yet, for whom would this be for?

And ah… so you see,

The brutes, are not really
but forgotten Gods.

And when you have remembered them in vain, that they are Gods;
They begin to join you in remembering themselves,
And you too, and the children, and the women…

The only justice that can ever be served here is in Remembering that they have forgotten, but Recognizing them for who they are innately anyway.

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A wish to have or receive is perceived due to a mentality of lack.

When the mental state is in fullness, there is no wish to have or receive because there is already having and receiving all the time, unconditionally.

Only twisted perceptions of what comes into our space seems to be obscuring the true appreciation and receiving of abundance.

And that, has nothing to do with whether one actually has, or received.

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Knowing and Experiencing are two different things.

to know and not experience is as good as not knowing;
to experience and not know is as good as not experiencing.

Each, mutually exclusive yet without inclusivity,
possess no completeness;

Each’s unrelated interrelatedness with one another,
without which Life holds no meaning.

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So, yesterday was an official ‘Teacher’s Day’ celebrated by the world. I remember when I was a young kid, I would bring an apple to each of my teachers on such a day and wish them ‘Happy Teacher’s Day’. Why an apple? I heard or read from somewhere the best gift to a teacher was an apple and I honestly don’t know why. But since there is a saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’, my guess is that it is either to make sure that the teacher doesn’t go on sick leave so that we could have our lessons on, or it is simply a wish for good health.

Interestingly, I received a ‘Happy Teacher’s Day’ message.

I’d have to admit that I had my fair share of dreaming to be like my own teachers – well loved, well received and well respected. But that was the past and I am not very inclined at the moment to revisit that memory except to say that at some point, someting just felt untrue about it. The air of being a teacher just didn’t sustain itself very long in me. I’d have to acknowledge too that to some selected few, I am being held up on a pedestal as a teacher. Yet, interestingly, there is always a tendency to remind them that I am a friend. That too, have somehow turned untrue to me now. I felt I am now, more of a comrade – someone to work with if you are really interested in working within.

The few who call upon me do ask me questions, and many a times expecting to get some sort of answers from me. What answers can I give to them, except to restructure their own questions and to redirect it back to them to arrive at their own answers? And they do get their own answers, somehow. And when they do, they are discreet about it; a little like me; because they know, and they share with me their own little liberation as means of expressing their appreciation. And it ends there.

So this person who wished me ‘Teacher’s Day’ shared with me that while he previously learned many tools from this particular teacher to unknot the mystic mind which he also learned from other sources, I apparently did something unique which was to empower him to create personal realisations out of these information learned. He shared further that as much as he now saw that I am his teacher, he also started to see why he will need to transcend through me in order for him to be his own teacher. Apparently, what I shared with him opened some doors for him and allowed him to see himself in me. It was awfully nice of him to think that way and that I was the one I did it.

I pondered a little on Teacher’s Day after receiving his message and thought that the most appropriate teacher to be grateful to ought to be Life itself. And upon pondering further, that felt untrue too as the anwer that felt truer came back towards the inner teacher, which is Godme – God&Me. No one can teach you anything. They merely share with you. You have to do the work, and Life offers that opportunity to you for your own inquiry, your own clarity and your own liberation.

No man shall be blind from what he seeks and wish to find unless what he truly wishes is not to find what he seeks.

So, am I a teacher?

Personally, I selfishly and arrogantly prefer to be labelled as a Comrade 🙂

Yet, if I am to teach anything to anyone, let it be that which directs one to Godme – the only Teacher to love, worship, cherish and respect within, and not me or anyone else. In that way, the outer conditions – the world – becomes an opportunity to learn and to be taught, from within. Then only can it be said, that it is solely yours and no one else’s.

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Loving is really that simple. Just loving, effortlessly.

It is only when beliefs and concepts start creeping in, that it makes the experience of loving a little harder hence propelling people to behave pretty strangely towards each other.  As if to stay away, it is possible to deny what is there; as if to stay away, it is possible to let time ‘heal’ the wound of not having; yet again, it is not about staying away or staying together. It is really about being awake to the moment, awake to the beliefs and concepts that one is still holding on in the mind that is stopping the experience of being maximal in full appreciation without guilt or regret.

Yet, does loving really stop? It doesn’t although it can be easily perceived that way.

It is really truly easier just to love, without harbouring the seeds of wanting, having, owning, judging, expecting, leaving, going. Yet, as long as there is still inner work to be done, do it for one’s own sake and not for another. What has the other got to do with all the concepts you have in the mind? The other cannot “add” to your reality. The other’s presence in your life, is ultimately only how you choose to perceive it to be and hence that becomes your reality.

Other than that, it is just as it is.

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This post is about exposing the body to someone else other than our beloveds.

Have you ever felt embarrassment before in revealing parts of your body to someone who is not your beloved? Well, most of us share this idea that we only show or share our bodies with the beloveds and during times when our bodies are accidentally exposed to another, some kind of embarrassment surfaces. Embarrassment can only arise from shame and that can only arise in a guilty mind. Yet shame is of a memory so ancient which belongs to an illusionary past manifested as guilt now, and the fear of a distant future. It is a chain of cause and effect arising simultaneously.

Let me share a story I encountered a few days ago of a shameless mind.

I posted on Facebook for any wanters for the last of my koi fishes since my pond is leaking and there was a thought that lack of efficiency of the pond may affect the fishes’ well being. It was within minutes that a dear friend called to express his wish to receive the fishes. There was no reason to say no since my posting was timely to his very own wishful thought.

He came by the day after and looked at the fishes and the pond. We both stood by the pond realising the depth of the pond and the amount of water in it was going to pose a challenge to transfer the fishes from the pond to a container he brought. Despite having the luxury to enjoy the pond for a good 6 years, my knowledge of the pond – how it works, how it is to be cleansed, the entire system – was minimal to me. Somehow we managed to drain some of the water out of the pond (actually quite a substantial amount of water) so that it would be easier to ‘persuade’ the fishes into the net that he brought.

It was pretty obvious that the length of the wood that held the net was not long enough. It was pretty instantaneous that he had a thought he had to get into the pond to get the fishes out. I agreed that it was a pretty good idea too. He politely asked if it was really ok with me since he did not intentionally plan to get into the pond and only had the existing clothes he had on his body to work with. I assured that I could provide the towels and additional clothes if that was ever his concern. Well, it was partial of his concern. The other concern he had was that he’d be in his boxes in the presence of what seemed like an opposite sex to him – a woman, i.e. me. It was awfully kind of him to consider if I might feel uncomfortable. Well, there was no prior thought about any discomfort that could arise from the possible scene so I assured him that it was ok. Or perhaps it could be put this way – it was just another body and made no utter difference to me. In fact, I was more interested in the observation of what it would take to finish up the task of transferring the fishes. The thought of the sight of a physical body of an opposite gender did not occur in my mind until he brought it up. Still, it did not bother my mind but did ignite an additional curiousness to what could possibly arise in the mind of my dear friend.

When he finally took off his pants, I asked him if he felt embarrassed, being aware of his earlier concern. Getting ready to dip into the pond, he replied there was no embarrassment arising. Being of an inquisitive nature, I then posed a question to him if he knew why there was no embarrassment arising. He didn’t have an answer except to ask me why in return. I did not give him an answer then.

Having been in the pond for a while and noticing that the fishes were going to give him some challenge before he could get them into the net, he figured that he also needed to remove his shirt. So there he was, this man, only in his boxes, and standing in my pond. I watched with amazement how his attention was towards not causing stress to the fishes without a care about how anyone perceived him. It was afterall, broad day light and I had neighbours taking walks along the street.

It was quite a task to get some fishes out of the pond and into his car. He cleansed himself in one of the bathrooms and left shortly thereafter. It was indeed a pleasant experience of working together with him over what people would label as a trivial experience in arriving to a realisation that there was no shame in exposing his body while at it.

The whole ordeal was no big deal and yet it reconfirms in me a realization that a guiltless mind bears no shame, evident from both our experiences that day. To some, the fishes were just fishes yet the love for the well being of the fishes brought us both together in experiencing a guiltless and shameless environment where a physical body was exposed under the sun (though not in totality) and did not bring forth any concern of uneasiness. It was as if there were no cares of the world. The fishes, though just another object of the world, allowed us to experience a moment of no-self but the arising of Spirit in being one in completing a task bestowed, for whatever reason.

The body, whether male or female, had indeed been a projection of unconscious separation with numerous accounts of beliefs where we encounter shyness, shame or embarrassment that comes with it. Of course, I am not advocating that we should walk around naked in the streets, but the mere fact that the physical body, in nakedness is shun by society or held possessively by oneself is definitely worth some effort looking at what we are exactly hiding in the mind.

It is time that we made peace with our own bodies, however they look like or whatever they are like. And this process of being at ease with what seem to be a costume to some Enlightened Masters takes place naturally in the plight or pursuit of our integrity and inner responsibility of our experiences with regards to ourselves.

The world views the necessity of shame so that order can be in place. Yet it is in shamelessness of the world that true vision where therein lies the natural order of things, is restored.

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We are made beautiful and wonderful.

Yet unconsciousness makes us feel otherwise.

But that does not,

and cannot

take away what we are made of.

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Exerting the extra, with Love.

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It is a very strange feeling. There was no plan of what sorts. Although the family stays pretty nearby and it was a no-brainer to head there to just spend moments together, yet the heart just wanted a quiet night with the little one. There was then this thought of curiosity of how I had spent last year’s eve and did not have any memory of it. It was rather strange, as if some memory of the past were totally wiped out. And then there was a recall that I spent the eve at my teacher’s center, singing and chanting with many. It was a beautiful night filled with lights and loving ambience.

Many, at this time, would be reflecting the past experiences encountered and planning for the year ahead, toggling right here and now between the past and the future. I can imagine some people finding thrills in it. I remember I did. And there will be those too, who would treat today or tomorrow as any other day, except the flip of a calendar date. I remember, I was that too.

Somehow I could not relate the memory of my past moments as a ‘year’ that went by, because it seems very near, and yet also very far. When the memory presents itself, the emotions arises with it and hence making it near because of the experience of emotions, yet because there is a recognition of what arises as memory, it also seems very far away yet being experienced now. Again, a strange and interesting feeling.

The other day, a beloved friend visited and asked me how I was coping without the guardian angel (she had to go back to her home country for a long duration of time), the new job, the daughter and etc. Admittedly, I told her that it was a little tough initially. Yet gradually, there is much ease into the routine and sudden increase in activities. It is how and what people would put it as ‘getting used to’ or being adaptive too. In my experience, it was really about Acceptance.

These past few months were truly a process of coming into being. It is as if I was on a retreat of my own amidst the environment of a daily buzy-fied surrounding full of activities from moment to moment.

True Happiness is Accepting What Is. And I have noticed that True Happiness is not necessarily of those where you laugh out loud and jump around like a kangaroo and it also does not have to deny unpleasant feelings. In fact, it accepts unhappiness, anger, depression, anguish and all its other relatives. True Happiness is beyond the myriad of emotions that we could be experiencing at any moment, despite the external environment, including our own behavior.

We often forget that we have placed many conditions before what is accessible to us without the conditions. We place conditions upon others, the environment and even ourselves in order to achieve what we thought we could get after all conditions have been fulfilled. Yet, if only we had taken a little time to simply come into being…

So as the clock ticks into the dawn of 2013, here’s wishing all a loving year of True Acceptance.

May you finally arrive at where you started, for when you come to the beginning, you have come to the end with a brand new beginning of Love Wisdom. 🙂

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Often, people are seeking to what or how much they can take from something, someone or a situation;
rather than what or how much they can offer to something, someone or a situation.

They say it is for a higher objective, a bigger picture.

They have failed to see what is in front of them.

~ GG ~

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